Mar 8, 2012

Qt, KDE & Akademy 2012 Event Guide Application

I've been away from KDE activities from a time, because I was organizing a lot of stuff in my life. Happily I've finally arranged some time to hack more on the weekends. I'll try to keep up the work with the Plasma Components documentation, because I think it can be improved a lot. I will also try to come up with a few examples inside the documentation, to make easier for plasmoid developers.

Another long term goal for this year, which I already started to investigate, is how to optimize  Qt Components for more about the Qt QML Components, beyond Plasma, and I'm already investigating how can we do proper styling for Qt5.

In another thread, I'm also having a great experience by working with Nuno in an application for the Akademy 2012, at Tallinn, Estonia. The application it's basically a guide for the event, with essential information about it. It will also include a programme which will alert you about the presentations you want to attend to. And it's being such a great experience to share ideas with him!

Here are some snapshots of the app:

If you want to check it yourself, just clone the git repository for the app: