Jan 16, 2014

PIL -> Pillow

Pillow is a PIL fork created to add new features. setuptools support was also added. A more frequent release cycle was also promised. With Pillow you can have PIL as a package dependency in setuptools and virtualenv. That means less clutter and robustness for the development. :-)

Pillow allows you to continue to use import PIL , so there is no need to change your current PIL related code. 0 migration overhead.

Archlinux already dropped support for PIL in favor of Pillow.

TL;DR PIL > Pillow

Jan 13, 2014

Reload and unload modules in Python

# python 2.7
import math

reload(math) # or import math again to reload the module
del(math) # unload module

# python 3.x
import math

# the reload function was eliminated on python 3
import math # or use exec("import math")
del(math) # remove module

Jan 9, 2014

Python cookbook: get the file dir path

import os

Jan 7, 2014

Regex like operators for DCG

Today I was trying to create a simple parser to count syllables in latin words with Prolog. I usually use DCGs in Prolog for parsing. Their semantic is very similar to BNF . I love DCGs, but sometimes the verbosity in some cases annoys me. Take the following example:

consonant -->
    "b"; "c"; "d"; "f"; "g"; "h"; "l"; "j"; "k"; "m";
    "n"; "p"; "q"; "r"; "s"; "t"; "v"; "x"; "z".
consonants -->
consonants -->
    consonant, consonants.

vowel -->
    "a"; "e"; "i"; "o"; "u".
vowels -->
vowels -->
    vowel, vowels.

syllable -->
syllable -->
    consonants, vowels.

syllables(0) -->
syllables(N) -->
    syllable, syllables(N_1),
    { N is N_1 + 1 }.

The vowels and consonant rules were created merely as helpers for the syllable predicate. That could be reduced if I had regex operators like +, * or ?. Although there are modules for using regex in Prolog ( swi-regex ), it is not suitable when using within in DCGs. So I wrote these regex like operators, with meta DCG predicates, for DCG (like EBNF operators):

% op statements let me use them without parenthesis
:- op(100, xf, *).
:- op(100, xf, +).
:- op(100, xf, ?).

*(_) -->
*(EXPR) -->
    EXPR, *(EXPR).

+(EXPR) -->
+(EXPR) -->
    EXPR, +(EXPR).

?(EXPR) -->
?(EXPR) -->

They allow me to modify the times a given rule will be matched. So, I can replace this:

consonants -->
consonants -->
    consonant, consonants.

vowels -->
vowels -->
    vowel, vowels.

syllable -->
syllable -->
    consonants, vowels.

with a simpler version without intermediate rules (using the operators definition through a library):

syllable -->
    *consonant, +vowel.