May 27, 2011

QtQuick - WSL II

QtQuick uses QML, a powerful tool for creating fluid interfaces in a clean, easy and fast way. It uses a declarative language (Javascript based) and it has a really good performance, which makes it suitable to make apps for any kind of platform. It's also really easy to extend QML with Qt/C++, enbling developers to speedup the application logic or something else needed. Is also possible to use OpenGL to render QtQuick without any change in the code, sending the painting job to the video card. IMHO, it's greatest advantage, is because suitable for designer who already know HTML and CSS to build awesome interfaces, being easier than Flash and ActionScript. This is really welcome because the QtQuick prototypes are more straightforward, because can be directly integrated in the final application code.

These are some videos showing what can be done with QtQuick:

I've been developing with QtQuick (and some extensions such as the MeeGo and the Plasma Components) for quite a long time (for almost a year from now). So I'm sharing my QtQuick presentation on the II Workshop of Free Software at CIn-UFPE at 28/03/2011. The workshop was organized by the University Linux User Group (CIn-LUG) with the intent to show new free technologies and show how to start using them.
The exercises resources and examples can be found here.

Happy hacking!